Tuesday, January 29, 2013


So I haven't blogged for awhile. There are several reasons, a big one being that I was on vacation in Hawaii for a glorious week. And though I spent a majority of the time as red as lobster, I had a great time relaxing on the beaches and not worrying about anything. For the most part the family got along, oddly brought together by our morning ritual of watching HGTV. I've never really watched that channel before and probably won't again, but it was addicting.

Another reason is this whole decision to "start over" on my novel has given me some major writer's block. I forgot how terrifying it is to be at square one. I do not like this square, even if I technically have some of the following squares already filled in. I'm hoping this weekend will be when I things turn around, but I think that about basically every weekend. There just aren't enough days in the weekend, which may really be the true, underlying reason why everything is so jacked up in our country. Think of how well rested we'd all be if three day weekends were the law. But whatever.

I did have a story idea inspired by my job about a woman who drags along her teenage daughter on a road trip to return a giant chaise that the company has either stated they won't take back, or that they wouldn't pay for her to return. She doesn't care. She's going to make them take it back. This is not based on a true story, but is also not out of the realm of possibility, I fear. I include the daughter because a trip of just one person is boring, and obviously I'm focusing on writing YA right now.

While that idea did not come from a dream, a lot of my ideas do. What's cool about it though is that it often becomes a dream within a dream. I have the dream of something interesting that could make a good story, and then I either "wake up" or just change scenes in the dream and start cataloging everything that happened in the interesting part. I just go over and over everything so that I don't forget it. And then when I really do wake up, I remember most of it and write it down. I don't want to brag, but my brain is pretty smart. If only it could remember to turn off when I'm trying to sleep. Or develop a skill that will place me in a field where I can earn a decent amount of money. But you know, this is good too.

Thing I don't understand: how I can be so tired and on the brink of death in the morning, and then basically human and normal in the afternoon. I think someone should call the guy who writes the DSM and have him put in some kind of allergic to morning disorder. Then I can get a doctor's note that prohibits me from having to be somewhere in the morning, but that also somehow keeps me from having to work too late in the evening. It's tricky but doable, I think. If your mood can be altered by the season (which it certainly can) then I don't see how it can't be altered by the time of day. I have a degree in Psychology, I vaguely remember. So I think I know what I'm talking about.

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