Saturday, November 3, 2012

Nano Day 3

I just read over what I've written in the past few days. If this wasn't being written as part of a word count competition, I'd likely cut a few pages. I went into the character's past way too often when what was happening in the present was much more interesting. The main character, Sydney, is finding out she's pregnant. Yet for some reason, I have her mentally ramble on about how good of a student she was (she's just graduated high school), how obedient she is, how her family is more interesting than she is, how she competes with her best friend, how her brother is a drop out. All of these will be true for her, but why I felt the need to chuck each bit at the reader, one after the other, I'm not sure. That's probably info I'll spread around after she finds out she's pregnant when I begin to rewrite.

The actual scene of her finding out she's pregnant is interesting though. Her personality comes to focus a lot better. And though I unconsciously chose to write in present tense, I think it works really well for this scene, whereas past tense might take away some of the anxiety the character feels.

Now I need to decide if I really want to write chapters in alternating points of view or not. Those are usually my favorite books, and it's always so impressive to read an author who can make each voice so distinct, and even change their writing styles a little for each person. I'm not sure I can do that, though i guess I can have someone else be written in past tense to make things a little different.

The only issue is how exactly I would start this other person's chapter. Only one other person was in the first chapter and I wouldn't be writing from that person's POV. I would have to come up with something, some kind of incident to start off another person. And then later on, of course, their paths will cross. But I don't know. I may just write everything from Sydney's POV and then after November, when time is not of the essence, I can see about sticking in chapters from someone else.

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