Monday, November 5, 2012

Nano Day 5

I hit a road block in writing. Or to be more exact, I hit a Monday. Mondays are truly terrible days and I would endure hours of political ads and be the first at the polls if someone would just pledge to abolish Mondays. (Mentioning the election is the topical portion of this blog post. Also, for a while this year Santa Claus was running for President, but sadly he had to drop out. Something with the elves, I think. .)

Anyway, here I am, after working 9 hours today where I was sitting in a cubicle, staring at a computer, talking to people I had to be nice to, just so that I can sit here at my desk, stare at the computer, and talk to myself because music distracts me when writing.

I'm rambling because I haven't really written anything today. I fear my main character is a bit of a moron. I want to blame it on the present tense thing where I have to detail things as they happen, making her seem a bit all over the place when she talks about things in the past. I've written in past tense basically my entire life so it's kind of difficult for me to write this way. And I guess it's also possible that she's just a moron. She's not supposed to be though. She was salutatorian at her high school, narrowly losing to her best friend. She could've spent her weekends partying and shopping, but she stayed home studying. I wanted to make her seem and feel very boring so that she'll have a She's All That* makeover by the end. But instead of just losing her glasses and caring about her hair, she'll have realized something sappy and important on the inside and just feel more confident in herself, be more happy with who she is. I think that something too many of us do is watch other people and try to be happy the way that they're happy, liking what they like, doing what they do, instead of figuring out what makes us happy and being ourselves. Or something.

* Not sure I've actually seen this movie.

Here's the debut of a new special feature called "Things I Don't Understand." Today's thing is...
Justin Bieber. Brought to you by the strange picture that I saw of him on
I suppose this alienates the very people that I want to like me and my book but I can't hide my confusion any longer. It's weighing me down. Truth is, I don't mind his music. It's no worse than anything else on mainstream radio. And I think he's a very talented dancer. But how on earth do so many girls find him so attractive? Especially now when his hair is sticking up like he stuck his fork in an electrical socket? Plus, ladies, you want a man that can defend you in an attack, not one that can't be seen when he stands behind you. His producted hair will be peeking over the top of your head, but that won't help you.

But anyway. I'll try to churn out a few hundred words tonight. Who knows, I might get into a groove and get all my words for the day done.

1 comment:

  1. I think this is a great new addition. All of the "things I don't understand" have been great insights, even if I do not personally agree.

    Listen, while I do not find the Biebs attractive, I am not a 12-year-old girl. To a 12-year-old girl, he is probably quite tall and manly. Plus he's a song and dance man. And he will sing sweet sweet nothings to them.
