Monday, December 10, 2012

By Golly, I Think She's Got It

I've officially had a headache for more than 24 hours. I've almost forgotten what it's like to not have a headache, to not be constantly aware of my head and the pings and stabs inside of it. Luckily it's not as bad as it was early today and last night. Now it's like the lingering smoke after fireworks, except there are few a stray sparks shooting out into the sky. It's like the echo of  drum, not as loud as the initial smack but still loud enough that you can feel it course through you.

Trying to think of analogies is making it worse. I'll stop.

I'm writing today to talk about this great idea that I had last week that I'm still excited about*. In fact, my excitement is so high that I'm having difficulty completing my revisions for Book 1 or even glancing at the mess that is the beginning of Book 2.

* This feels like the intro to an infomercial. Sadly, there are no special offers for tuning in today.

I am going to write books from the POVs of the other characters in Book 1. I'm going to start this with Alex's enemy, Bethany (though she doesn't factor into the book THAT much, so maybe enemy is the wrong word to use). I'm going to start it either just before a big scene between the two of them or immediately after it, and then go from there in Bethany's perspective. So there will be overlap in the two books, but it won't really matter in this case because the two don't interact after this scene.

I'd kind of like to do it with other characters too, say the love interest or the best friend, or the quirky other friend who doesn't get delved into as much as the others did. It's a way to have sequels without really having sequels, to have he series that so many readers like to have without creating some lame cliffhanger so that people will wait for the next book (lame because this isn't the right genre for that). It's also a cheat for me because I would get to write the characters that I love so much. That's what we call a win-win my friends.

Now I just need to find the focus and time to juggle all of these projects. I particularly need to finish editing Book 1, something I meant to complete over the past weekend but did not do. I'm beginning to wonder if I should not make the change that I've been planning to make, as it has completely stopped me in my tracks. I know challenging myself is a good thing and I should keep at it till I figure it out. I think the book is better off with he change. But by golly it's getting on my nerves!

Okay, that's all for now. I hope this headache is just a one-off and not something that's indicative of an oncoming illness. I'm going to go eat an apple just to be safe.

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