Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Writer Fail

Going into this Christmas weekend, I had two goals: sleep a lot and write a lot. I've certainly succeeded in the sleep department, but I've failed miserably at writing.

I've been working on this same God forsaken scene for weeks and I'm almost at the point where I think I should just go back to how it was and continue on. Forget the changes. Forget improving the book and just focus on finishing the draft so I can move on to other things.

Except...I can't do that. I can't leave something crappy just because it's hard to fix. Okay, that's actually a lie; I've left lines and paragraphs here and there that I know I need to fix but couldn't figure out how to. But that's a paragraph versus a 3,000 plus word scene. It's a little different.

It's also possible that I haven't been focusing as hard on this as I should have. Accomplished authors always say that the most important thing is to get your butt in the chair and write. To be fair, my butt is almost always   in my desk chair, but I am far too easily distracted by the pesky internet. It might be the real reason why I write better at night - there are simply less people posting online to distract me.

The bottom line is I failed this weekend, wasted all this free time I had to write by doing other things. Not that those things were always bad - I spent some time with my family and friends, which was certainly not a waste - but I didn't take advantage of the extra time like I should have. A week ago me thought that this weekend could be not only the weekend where I fix this scene for good, but also the weekend where I complete the 3rd draft. Har har har, past week me. You're a real knee slapper.

Thing I Don't Understand:
1) How I ever accomplished anything in college, much less two degrees, with such a short attention span.
2) The game app Bad Piggies. Let's not even talk about how my little sister figures it out as I sit there in bewilderment.
3) Why my little sister left these sweet tart candy canes here and why I've taken it upon myself to eat all of them.

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