Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Well some time has passed and I haven't really made much headway in revisions. I can't seem to get myself to focus on it until it's time to go to bed. Then, of course, I'm suddenly overcome with various ideas and thoughts of the book, of everything I need to do, of all the possibilities. It's like my head hitting the pillow is a signal to my brain to immediately go into overdrive now that it has this comfortable resting spot. It's exhausting just trying to fall to sleep, which can take hours. Makes for rather difficult mornings. I've been decreasing the amount of time I take to get ready in the morning little by little, just to get as much extra sleep as I can. I wish my brain had eyelids, a brainlid, if you will, that I could just close over it when it's time to rest, knowing that it would stay closed until it was time to wake up again. And because it would be closed, it wouldn't be able to keep me thinking and doubting and worrying. It would just have to shut up.
Anyway, there's not much else to say about the book today. I have friends reading it who hopefully aren't thinking it's absolutely terrible, that it at least is capable of being a good book at some point in the future. I try not to think too much about that. I probably should've waited before handing it off, but I got caught up in the excitement of finishing the draft in the first place.
This is a boring post. Ta ta for now.

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