Saturday, August 4, 2012

Day Off Progress

I took today off work to get a little extra writing time in. It's really hard to be working a boring desk job when you'd much rather be sitting at your home desk writing your book. But then, there are about a million things we'd all rather do then work at our boring desk jobs.
I'm a little disappointed with my progress today, though. I wrote 14 pages but I feel like I probably should've done more. I don't know where the time went. I kind of hit a road block and ended up changing my outline a bit because things didn't seem to be falling in place. I'm not writing the kind of novel that's action packed, where someone could die at any minute. It's a coming of age novel; the things that happen are just ordinary, realistic things. It's hard to tell if I'm making these things interesting, if I'm being consistent with my tone.
I know I have revisions for that stuff. It's just hard to wait until I get to that point to put off worrying about it. I'm so eager to finish the novel, to have it ready to show to people. I'm ready to get through the hundreds of rejections so I can get to the acceptance. But it's still a long road ahead. I just need to be patient.
Luckily there are still two full weekend days to get some work done. There's nothing better than having a full day to write. I'm already excited for it!

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