Thursday, August 16, 2012

Pre-Revision Update

I'm supposed to be taking a break from the novel but I can't help it. I find myself sneaking a peek at it every so often, as if there's some kind of warden who might catch me and slam the laptop closed on my fingers.
I just have so many ideas for revisions. So many things I want to add and improve. That's the beauty of already having the first draft - the base is already there, now I only have to touch it up. But I'm concerned about length. It's already too long for YA and w/ all of the additions I want to add it could end up getting 3-5,000 words longer. I've only found one scene that I think I think I can cut, though doing that would force me to lengthen another scene to compensate (since I have to mention the certain plot point somewhere). I know it shouldn't matter, that the length of the book is the length of the book or whatever, so I'm trying to get rid of this nagging concern. I've read that sometimes when books get too long they're cut into two, but this doesn't really seem like a series. We'll see how things shake out.
I'm also working on the next novel idea, which I've had for a couple years as well. But I never really formed much of it since it immediately became a backburner idea. I'm ready for it now though, and look forward to getting to it, even if I don't really get to it for another couple of months.

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