Sunday, August 12, 2012


A few days ago I was an idiot, worrying about page count while using Microsoft Word. I think I only had about 160 pages at the time, maybe 150, and it didn't feel substantial enough, that number. I worried. I knew that the page number would go up when adjusted from Word to book size, but I didn't think it would be substantial.
What I should've been doing though was paying attention to word count. According to the internet, the standard size of a YA novel is 50,000 - 70,000. I don't know if I'll still fit in that category or not, as far as content goes, but I do know that my novel is 94,000 words long (219 pages in Word). It's more than long enough and if anything, it's too long. Not that that will be a problem in the editing process.
I ended up not even writing the last few scenes I had planned, mostly because the one I was working on last night seemed like the end, like the character had gotten to the point where things would be okay. She finished her arc.
And I finished the book. That's right, it's done. Aside from a million edits, of course. And constant fear of rejection. But hey, it's finished. And if anything I'll always at least know that I've finished something, something amazing enough to me.

This was my Calendar for the things that happened in the novel. It really came in handy to have everything laid out like that. The date on the calendar just shows you  how long I've been working on this and how long ago I bought it for this purpose. How it took me so many years to write the first 30 pages and the last couple of months to write the other 190 is a mystery to me.
Honestly, I'm kind of sad that I'm done writing. I had really been writing like mad these last few days. What will I do now with my time? I guess there's only one solution...
Start the next one.

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